Ok, This is my second blog ^^, the first one (D@n Veneto!?) was mainly used as a project my italian teacher thought would rock to make homeworks online and stuff, sadly the project failed but as I see more and more touhou related blogs, I wanna try doing my very own blog, First of all the name Usa miko... What could this mean? Well first of all a little tribute to my favorite touhou character, Reimu, but wait she isn't a bunny! maybe a cat in the song Neko Miko Reimu but a rabbit? that is Reisen! I know I know, the bunny part is me XD I love rabbits So this here is my little tribute to Zun and the Touhou saga which really made a change in my way I saw shooters and well even my life as now I think about touhou, draw touhou girls, want touhou related stuff, think of cosplaying touhou girls, Touhoing the touhou when touhou, Touhou Touhou Touhou TOUHOU!
Anyhoo <3, I'll keep updating this site when I remember I should, and talk mostly about touhou games, doujins, stuff, art, wallpapers, software, stuff, but also about other games, like Final Fantasy, Sonic, Metal Gear, Soul Calibur, many others.... What else... Oh yeah Animu! I love a lot of these so prolly I'll also drop a line or two about Chrno Crusade and Yu Yu Hakusho and lots more XD, maybe I'll even share some of my life here be sure to keep checking and thanks for visiting <3
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