Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hector'39 ~ A Miku Hatsune Shooter Game

"This is a dedication to my baby usamiko n,n!!" - Yup! Just as the title says, today I bring to you a Vocaloid Miku Hatsune game, it's a shooter one =D if you love Touhou games, you gonna enjoy playing this one for sure! It's of Miku shooting leeks and dodging X3 ~
- WARNING: To avoid any mistakes in opening this game, extract it first to your computer, then open the folder "Program" and launch "Player.exe" and have fun =3! -  

D@inu's edit: If you experience an upside down screen problem (like I did) just exit the game, hold ctrl + alt and press up your screen shall be normal again and you will be able to play the game as it should be.
-Nekomiko Hayyie-

1 comment:

  1. Really fun game! I thought it was super easy until the levels started using pathways!
